I received a transmission today. It went something like this:
When the timelines have collapsed around you
Just stand
When all that is left is the earth beneath you
Just stand
When the people believe nothing but lies about you,
reject you and close their doors
Just stand
Stand when the wind blows hard against your soul
Stand up when everyone else is sitting
Stand in the light of truth and love
Just stand
Stand when you are trembling and when your knees are hurting
from the weight you have been carrying and
Stand as you let it go
Stand when your heart is hurting
when your soul is crying for understanding,
inner standing
Just stand
When the poisons of the world take their toll
Find a tree and stand with it
With arms outstretched
Receiving the love from the whole of creation
Feet on the Earth

And then I had a little rant!
Here it is:
Love Helen