I am putting together 2 new pages. The first is this page: Ministry of Sound Healers.
If you type in www.ministryofsoundhealers.com or www.ministryofsoundhealing.com you will be redirected to my website. This page will have Sound Healing Training Courses, Pineal Activation courses (Members will get a 10% discount), Live Meditations, visualisations and much more.
I will also be promoting other modalities and Healers with whom I am working.
I thought of the name whilst remembering my festival dancing days especially New Year in Cape Town age 23. I danced til dawn and fell asleep on the beach. Something I will always remember with fondness....
The second new page will be called "Energy Exchange". This will be a links page where you can exchange energy as currency. No fiat currency exchanged. You can swap as you see fit.
This may benefit those who have great skills but little fiat currency at this time.
I will gladly swap sound healing for food, seeds or whatever.
I look forward to your contributions.
