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Quantum Shifts, Eternal Values: Finding Balance Amidst Changing Timelines and Alternate realities

Writer's picture: Helen SheppardHelen Sheppard

When I look around me, I see the latent effect of decisions I have made in the apparency of what we call the past, which, it could be said, includes old paradigms, dreams, programming, ideas, ethics and out-dated post-war education.  The hippocampus, however, may not have such a defined or accurate memory stored within its fleshy amygdala, personified as Pegasus’s hooves. In fact, as my perception changes in the present, Pegasus spreads its wings (cerebrum) and ascends, galloping to a greater height, leaving behind the old rigidity of both good and bad times, way back in the last century.  As quantum realisation stokes the inner fires of the fornix, my consciousness expands as far as the outer constellations, that of the Fornax, the eternal flame, comprehended in the revelation of language hidden in plane sight:

I am the Phoenix, Fornix and Fornax ….

I load the dishwasher for the third time in the morning, contemplating the quantum connection of all timelines and how wonderful it is to have a machine to wash up my dirty crocks!

When TS Elliot wrote ‘Burnt Norton,’ I wonder if he knew the quantum meaning of his own words:

‘Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future

And time future contained in time past’

I recall my daughter asking me when she was three, what the future was made of, to which I replied: ‘What we do now.’

 ‘So what do we do now?’ she inquired. Good question.

It’s still 2024 and I feel like each day is a multi-faceted choice of timelines and potential outcomes. For one who is more indecisive than decisive, it does tend to feel too easy to get stuck in the quantum goo of ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybe’s’ or it could be said, quantum procrastination!

So, what is this quantum thing anyway? And how does it work within the confines of the reality we are currently focussing our attention upon?   And how valuable is it, in the grand scheme of things, when navigating single parenthood, old age, unemployment, A.I., ascension and building the so-called ‘new world’?

‘Quantum theory’ of multiple timelines and potentialities existing simultaneously has become a bit of a buzz-word over this last decade.

Don’t like this reality? Quantum jump into another one to meet a better you who is more proficient than the current ‘throwback’.

 Call it what you will, but I was taken to what was called ‘psycho expansion classes’ at the age of nine (in 1975) where Barny Camfield took us all on an inner journey to meet other parts of ourselves simultaneously existing on other timelines in other dimensions. It didn’t take long for me to notice that everyone had at one point been an Egyptian Queen, a Merlin or a great something-or-other. Lifetimes as a peasant farmer wasn’t glamourous at all so I kept quiet and just observed the adults indulging themselves in the wonder of who they currently were not.

Cut to 2023 and I was invited to attend ‘quantum jumping classes’. It had been more than 40 years since I had leaped consciously into another timeline as part of a group exercise so I thought, why not? It was quite useful as I allowed my mind to wander through multi-dimensional realities and observed different selves doing whatever it was.

Not a lot changed at first in this reality until one particular experience, where I saw a alternative timeline. In this timeline, I’d given birth to a son with someone who, back in this reality I’d had a short teenage relationship. I decided to track him down and we met after 40 years. During this meeting, I put to rest a burden that I had been carrying all that time. He took it very well and things definitely shifted for us both following this meeting. A conscious, quantum shift.

After years (and I mean decades) of spiritual exploration, I sense that I am coming back to the start of all that I inherently knew before I arrived on the planet. The question is, which me? Because within the concept of the quantum theory, apparently consciousness is ‘Everything everywhere, all at once’ and one questions the validity of the word ‘me’ in relation to where ‘I’ place my attention, why I place it there and the difference between illusion, reality and actuality?

Time for a cup of builder’s tea and cake as I ponder my current predicament. I should have followed my normal recipe for that cake, it’s a bit quantum stodge. One moment, I’ll just go back in time and re-live that experience, adding a pair of scales to the equation.

As a single parent, I look back and see the decisions I’ve made which have created the current timeline agreement, for example, deferring a chance to do a PhD in order to be the best Mother possible, rather empowering my daughter instead of ‘me’, breaking family patterns of the past and going through 17 years of parenthood alone. I don’t regret that decision because in this reality, one child and one chance is all I have had at motherhood so I am doing the best I can and regardless of the apparent costs on all levels, it’s the best thing I have ever done.

When I contemplate, I see myself in the centre of the wheel-of-life with all timelines simultaneously playing out, constructing and deconstructing themselves within the elements chosen, weaving a tapestry of decisions together to create a holographic picture, glistening with sonoluminescence, attention and vibration. As I become more conscious, I have noticed that the timelines become synchronised as my spirit dives through the spectrum of potentialities, aware that as one lifetime changes for the better, so do all the others. I see the power of wisdom and knowledge gained through conscious experience, notably, the mistakes and wrong turns I’ve made and also, through the in-fluence of others’ energies, that sometimes change the course of a journey through a lifetime. The: ‘I won’t do that again’ mantra echoes through dark matter and permeates my whole consciousness as my body reacts to the outplaying of decisions. It’s been a burden for my knees!

The anatomy of decisions could be compared to Dana Zohar’s description of: wherever one’s attention is focussed, atoms appear. (The Quantum Self). I think I might have placed too much attention on my stomach! Way too many atoms there.

In my humble opinion, the training of the heart and mind seem to be essential if the subconscious is anything to go by. Most people seem to use the subconscious mind as a garbage dump or store-cupboard when actually, it might be more useful to apply discipline and awareness to this area. But what applies in this time of artificial intelligence? What makes us conscious? And how does one train a human to be more human when we are somewhat surrounded by non-humans and a toxic soup of ideas which, it could be said, have led some people into very destructive tendencies, poor health, depression, lack of wealth and little integrity? Not to mention wars, political corruption, addiction and the constant pressure of making the right decisions as a single parent, a Generation X-er moving into the next season of life, or someone who has lost work owing to A.I. taking their job. Maintaining one’s integrity in the external reality which we may have consciously or unconsciously found ourselves is a challenge many of us have to face now. The old paradigms of external validation and status are sadly still prevalent, and like children, we flock towards those who have the apparency of outward success.

In this timeline, there is a shift towards the breaking down of old structures, new thinking, new technology and hope for a more humanitarian life. However, there are noticeable splits, frayed edges and confusion as the platforms of social media spew conflicting views, allowing the merchants of chaos to run riot on all sides of the equation, each agenda singing its song, waving its flag and banging its drum.

Being the fulcrum in daily life is the key to staying centred while the ups and downs play out like soundwaves on tides of awareness, expanding and contracting as the sun and moon light up this array.

In a world of infinite potentiality, it’s the ancient eternal values that, like the stars in the sky, help us to navigate our individual challenges.  Patience, truth, wisdom, love, faith, trust, joy, freedom, peace, compassion, self-discipline, kindness, discernment, friendship. These are the eternal gifts that we, I believe, can embody and ignite in each other. These are the things that make us truly human and like a beautiful inner melody, plays itself out through the resonance of our DNA in every quantum timeline and dimension throughout the multi-verse.

By staying true to these eternal values, we could build the kind of reality we’d all be happy to share with each other. The use of quantum intelligence can help us to shift our perspective, perhaps heal the hippocampus, our individual and collective memories and our perception, the lens through which we view our life experience.

I personally believe there is so much more and step by step, as we awaken to who we truly are, we can encompass infinite potential as a symphony, and at the centre, each one of us, the master of timelines and quantum conductor of our own orchestra.

Preview of an article.

Pen name - Andromeda Lightfoot

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